Developing Your Prophetic Filter:
How to Process the Prophetic
Many Christians long to hear God more clearly and to have greater access to heaven and the heart of God. Many also secretly wonder if God would stoop so low as to speak to “unknown nobodies” like themselves. Developing Your Prophetic Filter is a unique how-to book that addresses both these questions in ways that will provoke the reader to worship and cause them to love Jesus even more. By the end of the book, both the curious beginner and the seasoned prophetic minister will be as convinced as Chris Reed is that, “We have it better than the disciples who walked, talked, and ate with Jesus.” Chris’ own pursuit of God, together with his profound scriptural insights, exhortation, humor, and prayers will increase the reader’s hunger and hope, and equip them to hear and understand the heart of God for themselves and others.
The Seven Spirits of God: Experiencing Throne Room Realities
The seven Spirits of God are the nine gifts of the Spirit in their full maturity. In The Seven Spirits of God, Chris will show you how to experience and navigate through God’s throne room to directly connect you to supernatural realities and the seven Spirits of God.
Chris will also show you how he has learned to yield to the sevenfold Holy Spirit to know the secrets of men’s hearts, and yes, to predict future events. This book contains a major revelation and secret that will help make spiritual things a reality in your life.